Friday, June 10, 2011

Money Pit in Paradise

So, as to our big beautiful house in paradise:

First of last year, we realized that three years of water damage had nearly destroyed part of the balcony and porch ($5,000 repair).  Then, we found out a few months ago that we had water issues and needed to dig a well (long story), but the the drilling, pump and accompanying plumbing costs $22,000 (yeah....I could have gone on 10 trips with that.)   Now,  the big heavy trucks that dug our well also smashed and leveled the gravel on the driveway, so we have to buy rocks ($300), both air conditioners died one week after the end of their warranty ($2,000), and now we've discovered there is some drainage problem with the kitchen sink.

So, does anyone want to buy a house in Costa Rica?   Oh yeah, the view is beautiful.